"A COUNCIL looks set to pump over £1m into a proposed fishing lake and "floating cafe" next to a popular off-road cycle route."
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The Green Business Network (GBN) is an award-winning not-for-profit organisation delivering environmental advice and projects mainly in Yorkshire. ABLE Kirklees will be a fish farm and outdoor learning training centre. The project will be based on disused land at Walkley Lane in Heckmondwike and will regenerate two former rail embankments, rail sidings and a landfill site into a social education and training centre for Kirklees young people.
"A COUNCIL looks set to pump over £1m into a proposed fishing lake and "floating cafe" next to a popular off-road cycle route."
Before official work starts on the site, we
thought it would be a good idea to take some shots to mark the start of the
project work.
The site is adjacent to the Spen Valley Greenway. Plans for the project include a
floating cafe for Greenway users.